Department of English



Course Outcomes


Course Objectives

Course Outcomes


(Paper VII) (DSE- E11)

  • To acquaint the students with the history of English criticism in terms of teaching of certain important texts and ideas of everlasting significance ingrained in them
  • To introduce students to the major trends in literary criticism.
  • To help students to study the original contributions made in the field of literary criticism.
  • To acquaint students with the various literary and critical movements.


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Gain perception on the various important developments in the field of criticism.
  • Students are able to understand the major trends in criticism.
  • Students are able to study the original contributions to literary criticism.
  • Students are acquainted with literary and criticalmovements.



(Paper XII) (DSE- E136)


  • To make the students use the critical tools and critical understanding of a work of art.
  • To introduce the critical terms and concept and its applications in literature.
  • To span the history of western literary criticism.
  • To train students to write critical appreciation of poetry.


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Gain the knowledge for analysing critically a work of art.
  • Understand new literary terms and concepts.
  • interpret critical concepts and apply their knowledge for analysing literature
  • Students are able to understand the meaning and appreciate the poems critically.






(Paper VIII)

(DSE – E12)


  • To make students engaged and curious readers of poetry
  • To introduce the students various forms of poetry of different eras.
  • to familiarize the students various cultures and traditions through poetry
  • To make students understand intellectual, moral and linguistic expressions in poetry


After completion of the course, students are able to

  • trace the development of the poetry in English. 
  • appreciate and analyse critically the prescribed poems. 
  • comprehend the Western and Eastern poetic traditions
  • develop the literary sensibility to understand intellectual, moral and linguistic expressions through poetry.



(Paper XIII) (DSE – E137)


  • To make the students to understand modern English poetry
  • To introduce students the features of Victorian poetry.
  • to familiarize students with Modern Indian English Poetry
  • To enable students to learn various poetic devices in poetry


After completion of the course, students are able to

  • Understand modern English poetry with its socio-cultural backgrounds. 
  • appreciate and analyse the Victorian poetry critically. 
  • Compare the Western and Eastern poetic traditions
  • differentiate various poetic devices in reflected in poetry.







 (Paper IX)

((DSE – E13)


  • To make students understand different forms of drama
  • To enable students to relate drama to their ideological or socio-political contexts
  • To help students improve their creative and imaginative faculties through the reading of drama
  • To enable students to know about various aspects of the drama


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Students are able to understand different forms of drama.
  • Students are able to relate drama to their ideological or socio-political contexts.
  • Students are able to improve their creative and imaginative faculties through the reading of drama.
  • Students are able to know about various aspects of the drama.




 (Paper XIV) (DSE – E138)



  • To make students aware of origin and history of English comedy with reference to prescribed texts.
  • To identify and explain different types of English plays
  • To enable students to know Indian English Plays
  • To enable students to enact scenes in the play


After completion of the course the students are able to:

  • Recognize the origin and history of English comedy. 
  • understand different types and elements of English comedies.
  • apply their knowledge to understand Indian society presented in the described dramas.
  • enact scenes in different play for better understanding of life.



(Paper X)

((DSE – E15)



  • To make students understand rise and development of novel.
  • To enable students to relate novels to their ideological or socio-political contexts.
  • To help students to improve their creative and imaginative faculties through the reading of novels.
  • To enable students to know about various aspects of the novel.


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Students are able to understand rise and development of novel.
  • Students are able to relate novels to their ideological or socio-political contexts.
  • Students are able to improve their creative and imaginative faculties through the reading of novels.
  • Students are able to know about various aspects of the novel.



(Paper XV) (DSE – E139)



  • To make students understand different forms of novel.
  • To enhance critical thinking and analytical skills through close reading and interpretation of prescribed texts.
  • To inculcate the human values among students through the reading of novels.
  • To introduce the students various socio-cultural and linguistic boundaries of the novel.


              After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Students are able to understand different forms of novel.
  • Students are able to demonstrate critical and analytical thinking.
  • Students are able to differentiate values for better understanding of life.
  • Students are able to know various socio-cultural and linguistic boundaries of the novel.







Paper XI

(DSE - E15)


  • To orient students to the concept of communication.
  • To make the students familiar with phonological concepts and morphological process of the English language.
  • To acquaint students with different word-formation process of English language.
  • To study the basic units of grammar.


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • know the concept of communication.
  • Apply their knowledge ofphonological concepts and morphological processin day today life.
  • Form new words with their knowledge of word-formation process
  • follow basic grammatical rules in written and spoken English.



Paper XVI (DSE - E140)


  • To acquaint students with structures and functions of phrases.
  • To enable students to know and identify elements and types of clauses.
  • To study Subordination and Coordination.
  • To study different basic and derived structure.


After completion of the course, the students are able to

  • Recognize different types of phrases.
  • identify elements and types of clauses.
  • use various forms of sentence structures.
  • Apply their knowledge of basic and derived structures in day-today performances

basic and derived structure






Programme outcomes: After successful completion of B.A. (three-year degree) Course Outcomes  programme, students will

PO1: enhance the basic knowledge of Arts and Humanities.

PO2: immersed in a sense of community and glocal (global+local) knowledge.

PO3: enrich their communication skills along with critical and creative thinking skills.

PO4: boost an interdisciplinary approach

PO5: instil ethical values. 


Programme Specific Outcomes:On successful completion of the programme, students will be able to:


  • understand and develop language skills and build vocabulary for effective communication and employability.
  • interpret, analyse and evaluate different varieties of written and spoken English.
  • understand literarydevelopments of major and minor forms of English literature in the form of artistic, historic and cultural expressions beyond the nations and beyond the linguistic boundaries.
  • understand major movements and ‘-isms’ and trends in English literature.
  • develop the insight to appreciate, interpret and evaluate prescribedtextscritically.
  • shape their personality by understanding regional, national, and global needs. 
  • sensitized towards cultivation of values and principles from literature to personal life.
  • perceive the job opportunities such as Translators, Teachers, Editorial Assistant, Lexicographer, Journalist, Proof Reader, Web Content Manager, Digital Copywriter, Social Media Manager, Public Relations Manager


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